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noun \ˈad-ˌvərb\
a word that describes a verb, an adjective, another adverb, or a
sentence and that is often used to show time, manner, place, or degree
Full Definition of ADVERB
a word belonging to one of the major form classes in any of numerous
languages, typically serving as a modifier of a verb, an adjective,
another adverb, a preposition, a phrase, a clause, or a sentence,
expressing some relation of manner or quality, place, time, degree,
number, cause, opposition, affirmation, or denial, and in English also
serving to connect and to express comment on clause content — compare adjunct, conjunct, disjunct
Examples of ADVERB
- In “arrived early,” “runs slowly,” “stayed home,” and “works hard” the words “early,” “slowly,” “home,” and “hard” are adverbs.
Origin of ADVERB
Middle English adverbe, from Middle French, from Latin adverbium, from ad- + verbum word — more at word
First Known Use: 14th century
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First Known Use of ADVERB
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