According to
Kennedy and Gioia poetry is prose bewitched, anything said such a way, or put
on the page in such a way, as to invite from the hearer or the reader a certain
kind of attention
The second
opinion comes from Whitworth
Poetry world is full of backscratching and backbiting.
Talent does not rise effortlessly, and rewards do not always go to the most
deserving. In this, the poetry world is much like those other worlds – academic, political, business, etc (2006:4).
While Constantakis states, a poem
that is put on the page correctly can bear any amount of analysis, probing,
defining, explaining, and interrogating, and something about it will still feel
new the next time you read it (2011:9).
Poetry is written to be
enjoyed as in poetry a poet usually uses supporting elements to enrich
the meaning and bring the readers imagination to his or her mind. In reading
poetry, we often meet comparison between two things whose similarity we ever
noticed before. It is called figures of speech, symbol, and imagery that often
used in poetry.