How to you analyze people during the first meeting, without getting a pschology degree? How to know whether he/she is lying or telling the truth? How do you determine if your blind date is worth a second outing?
Step 1: How to analyze people by Eye signals
Detect whether the person’s answers are companied by darting, or shifting eyes. In body language , darting of eyes show lying and thinking of alternatives to answering a question. Often when we first met someone, we are more skeptical to answers we heard. Detecting lies are a good way to help in analyzing people quickly. During my years of analyzing and research, I have figured out other interesting lying behaviors!
Tip 2. How to analyze people by Appearance.
A quick scan on the overall appearance when meeting a person for the first time does tell you a thing or two. Most of it might base on common senses but the problem is most of us forgot to scan it through other than the brands of clothing. Simple things like, is his sport shoes clean? Does he carry a gym bag? Sport attire without bag may means that he owns a car. Then it’s probably true that he hold a managerial post when he told you later in the conversation. Start your analyze as soon as you can.
Tip 3. How to analyze people by asking
It’s probably the simplest thing to do in order to analyze a person. By asking. Start a casual conversation by using his attire as the starting point. By doing this, you have a closer chance in tapping into he’s interest. If he looks away or show bored body language, proceed to another topic. Hopefully you’ll touch on something he is interested with. When a person talk about things they enjoy, they tend to be less aware and forgot about hiding their true self.
Example 1:
You met your wife’s boss for the first time. Looking at his golf attire, you remarked:” Wow you’re into golf? I’m just starting to learn..” The next minute you know, you found him blabbing nonstop about golf, revealing more about himself. He wouldn’t tell you that “Hey, I’m a clean freak!” but he would say things like, “I like my golf tees neat and tidy. I can’t stand dirt!” then maybe it’s time to ask your wife to clear her desk. Little details do build up considerable amount of information. We do not base on a single analysis, but duplicate analysis to conclude our findings. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to clear your desk alittle;) I’ve always learn to get recognitions from anyone. It can be used to establish good rapport with difficult colleagues or in laws in the future. People you can’t choose to leave behind.
Step 4: How to analyze people by listening
Listen carefully without interfering or prompting. Therefore, it’s very important to keep the conversation topic close to the things the person is interested in. The more he talk, the more he review about himself, while providing you the leisure to remain silence. Using this opportunity, you can observe his body gestures or read within the words. I like to read the eyes. it’s easy (lazy me, I’ll just stare straight without moving my head) and I’m researching on micro expressions.
Tip 5: Wrapping it all up, concluding analysis
Remember, we do not based on a single analysis, but duplicate analysis to confirm our findings. You do not need to start analyzing ferociously right after that. Take some time, relax and put your mind elsewhere. Come back with a clear mind and think of all the things he said and actions he did. Review his facial expression when he answered questions. Are there any expressions you feel memorable? If this analysis is not essential , treat it as a practice. The more you practice on how to read people, the more accurate it is.